SAML Integration


SAML Integration requires the installation of the :code:ultraviolet-saml package, which in turn requires :code:libxml2-dev and :code:libxmlsec1-dev to be installed on your system. If you’re running Ubuntu, run:

apt-get install libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libxmlsec1-openssl

On the other hand, if you’re running CentOS/RHEL:

yum install libxml2-devel xmlsec1-devel xmlsec1-openssl-devel libtool-ltdl-devel

Currently, the automatic-role-assignment branch needs to be used to obtain the required behaviour. Use the following commands to install:

cd ultraviolet
pipenv run pip install git+

The above command runs successfully, but doesn’t create saml endpoints and doesn’t show the package inside the pipfile.

NOTE: Please note that Invenio v10.0 is required for communities related features. SAML-configured ultraviolet with v10 is available at

Server Information

List of information required to configure the InvenioRDM instance.

  • SAML requires a x.509 cert to sign and encrypt elements like NameID, Message, Assertion, Metadata.
    • sp.crt or sp.pem: The public cert of the SP.
    • sp.key or key.pem: The private key of the SP.
  • EntityID: Identifier of the IdP entity (must be a URI).
  • SSO(singleSignOnService): URL Target of the IdP where the Authentication Request Message will be sent.
  • SLO(singleLogoutService): URL Location where the from the IdP will be sent (IdP-initiated logout).
  • x509cert: Public X.509 certificate of the IdP.
  • Attributes mapping: IDP in Assertion of the SAML Response provides a dict with all the user data:

IdP Setup

For testing, we have used the Docker Test SAML 2.0 Identity Provider, which is built using SimpleSAMLphp. We are also using a custom authsources.php which helps us configure the SAML IdP to reflect NYU’s IdP, this is currently placed under app_data of the v10-SAML branch of ultraviolet available here. Run the following command to instantiate the docker container:

docker run --name=nyu_mock_idp \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 8443:8443 \
-v <Absolute path to your copy of authsources.php, currently placed under app_data/authsources.php>:/var/www/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php \
-d kristophjunge/test-saml-idp


Add this to your imports in :code:invenio.cfg::

from ultraviolet_saml.handlers import acs_handler_factory

In your invenio.cfg, add the following:

# Invenio-SAML Configuration
# ==========================
# See

"""Base URL for the extensions endpoint."""

"""URL route for the metadata request."""

"""URL route for the SP login."""

SSO_SAML_DEFAULT_ACS_ROUTE = '/authorized/<idp>'
"""URL route to handle the IdP login request."""

"""URL route for the SP logout."""

"""URL route to handle the IdP logout request."""

SSO_SAML_IDP_NAME = os.getenv('IDP', 'nyu')


    # name your authentication provider

        # Basic info
        "title": "NYU Mock SAML",
        "description": "SAML Authentication Service for NYU Ultraviolet",
        "icon": "static/images/logo_ultraviolet_1word_white.svg",

        # path to the file i.e. "./saml/sp.crt"
        'sp_cert_file': os.getenv('SP_CERT','./sp.crt'),

        # path to the file i.e. "./saml/sp.key"
        'sp_key_file': os.getenv('SP_KEY','./sp.key'),

        'settings': {
            # If strict is True, then the Python Toolkit will reject unsigned
            # or unencrypted messages if it expects them to be signed or encrypted.
            # Also it will reject the messages if the SAML standard is not strictly
            # followed. Destination, NameId, Conditions ... are validated too.
            'strict': True,

            # Enable debug mode (outputs errors).
            'debug': True,

            # Service Provider Data that we are deploying.
            'sp': {

                # Specifies the constraints on the name identifier to be used to
                # represent the requested subject.
                # Take a look on
                # to see the NameIdFormat that are supported.
                'NameIDFormat': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'

            # Identity Provider Data that we want connected with our SP.
            'idp': {

                # Identifier of the IdP entity  (must be a URI)
                'entityId': os.getenv("IDP_METADATA",'http://localhost:8080/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php'),

                # SSO endpoint info of the IdP. (Authentication Request protocol)
                'singleSignOnService': {

                    # URL Target of the IdP where the Authentication Request Message
                    # will be sent.
                    'url': os.getenv("IDP_SSO",'http://localhost:8080/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php'),

                    # SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
                    # message. OneLogin Toolkit supports the HTTP-Redirect binding
                    # only for this endpoint.

                # SLO endpoint info of the IdP.
                'singleLogoutService': {
                    # URL Location where the <LogoutRequest> from the IdP will be sent (IdP-initiated logout)
                    "url": os.getenv("IDP_SLO","http://localhost:8080/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SingleLogoutService.php"),

                    # SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
                    # message. OneLogin Toolkit supports the HTTP-Redirect binding
                    # only for this endpoint.
                    "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"
                # Public X.509 certificate of the IdP
                'x509cert': os.getenv('IDP_X509_CERT_SINGLE','')

            # Security settings
            # more on
            'security': {
                'allowRepeatAttributeName': True,
                'authnRequestsSigned': False,
                'failOnAuthnContextMismatch': False,
                'logoutRequestSigned': False,
                'logoutResponseSigned': False,
                'metadataCacheDuration': None,
                'metadataValidUntil': None,
                'nameIdEncrypted': False,
                'requestedAuthnContext': False,
                'requestedAuthnContextComparison': 'exact',
                'signMetadata': False,
                'wantAssertionsEncrypted': False,
                'wantAssertionsSigned': False,
                'wantAttributeStatement': False,
                'wantMessagesSigned': False,
                'wantNameId': True,
                'wantNameIdEncrypted': False,

        # Account Mapping as per NYU's available mappings. Please take a look here
        "mappings": {
            "email": os.getenv("IDP_SAML_EMAIL", "urn:oid:"),
            "name": os.getenv("IDP_SAML_NAME", "urn:oid:"),
            "surname": os.getenv("IDP_SAML_SURNAME", "urn:oid:"),
            "external_id": os.getenv("IDP_SAML_EXTERNALID", "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1")

        # Default Affiliation to be assigned to all SAML logged in users - remove this if not required
        "default_affiliation": "New York University",

        # This is used to automatically set email and profile visibility to public to all SAML logged in users - remove this if not required
        "default_visibility": "public",

        # Inject your remote_app to handler
        # Note: keep in mind the string should match
        # given name for authentication provider
        'acs_handler': acs_handler_factory(SSO_SAML_IDP_NAME),

        # Auto confirms all SAML logged in users
        'auto_confirm': True

if os.getenv('IDP_X509_CERT_SIGNING',''):
    SSO_SAML_IDPS[SSO_SAML_IDP_NAME]['settings']['idp']['x509certMulti'] = {
    'signing': [os.getenv('IDP_X509_CERT_SIGNING')],
    'encryption': [os.getenv('IDP_X509_CERT_ENCRYPTION')]

        # Default role to be assigned to all SAML logged in users - remove this if not required
        SSO_SAML_IDP_NAME: os.getenv("DEFAULT_SAML_ROLE", "defaultsamlrole"),

# The following is a hacky implementation. It should be False for a fresh invenio installation. After creating a community and adding the nyuusers role to the community, add the community ID as a list here
# For example: "auto_update_communities": ["c441b9c2-40e0-4035-96cc-8e13bd28d0f7"] where c441b9c2-40e0-4035-96cc-8e13bd28d0f7 is the community ID retrieved from the communities_metadata table. If one
# community is updated here, no need to update for subsequent communities, they add new group members automatically.

Configure Environment

Environment needs to be configured for the above SAML setup to work since the sensitive keys and certificates cannot be placed within cfg. A sample .env config could be as follows:

IDP_X509_CERT_SINGLE=<idp-cert here>

For multi-cert IDP setup, replace IDP_X509_CERT_SINGLE with the following:

IDP_X509_CERT_SIGNING=<idp-signing-cert here>
IDP_X509_CERT_ENCRYPTION=<idp-encryption-cert here>

Show the Login Button

Next, enable the login template, provided by the SAML module, to display the new button Login with SAML. In your invenio.cfg:

OAUTHCLIENT_LOGIN_USER_TEMPLATE = "ultraviolet_saml/login_user.html"

Create Role

For SAML to work properly, the nyuusers role needs to be created and available. This step needs to be performed once. In your ultraviolet folder,

cd ultraviolet
pipenv run invenio roles create nyuusers -d "Group of all users logged in from NYU's Shibboleth SAML system"

Production Deployment Notes

Note that to deploy into production, in your invenio.cfg, all SAML references to localhost:8080 needs to be replaced by NYU’s SAML IdP and all references to needs to be pointing to Ultraviolet’s web domain. Replace the SAML configuration name from nyu_mock to nyu as you see fit as well.

Points to Note

  1. If after login, you encounter a ‘Page Not Found’ screen, check your invenio.cfg configuration, especially for the default_role, default_visibility, auto_update_communities fields.
  2. It is important to create the nyuusers role before running SAML login, since the login tries to assign the role to the user without a clear error message.